Near Majority (48%) Supports Cutting Foreign Aid to Mexico, Central America Until It Stops

More than two-thirds (67%) of the electorate think illegal immigration is a serious a problem in America today, a new poll finds. That includes 47% who say it is “very serious” and 20% who say it is “somewhat serious.”
The Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters was conducted April 2-3, 2019, as officials warn the crisis at the southern border has reached critical mass.
The partisan divide is deep, as only 48% of Democrats overall agree with 69% of non-affiliated voters and 87% of Republicans. Men (68%) and women (66%) are in agreement .
Similarly, only 28% of Democrats agree with 72% of Republicans and 43% of non-affiliated voters that illegal immigration is a “serious” problem. Another 20% of Democrats say it is “somewhat” serious, while another 15% of Republicans and 26% non-affiliated voters chose “somewhat.”
The results do find what could be a messaging deficit.
Only 31% say most Democrats in Congress want to slow or stop illegal immigration, while 70% say the same about Republicans.
A near-majority (48%) supports suspending foreign aid to Mexico and other governments in Central America that refuse to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S., a threat leveled by President Donald Trump this week.
That includes 71% of Republicans, 47% of non-affiliated voters, but only 29% of Democrats. Men (51%) are also slightly more likely than women (46%) to support the plan.
mlopez / April 5, 2019
Two thirds of Americans and Trump still can’t find the courage to act. What a coward and a liar. What’s not to get? Trump has turned into a liar and a traitor. The President just handed off fixing the border crisis to a corrupt, Marxist, Mexican president. Trump has given the Mexicans a year to fix the border, but the Mexicans are the problem. In a year, it will be too late.
So how is it possible Trump doesn’t know all this? The short answer is that it isn’t possible. It isn’t at all possible. Now where does that leave Trump and more importantly, where does it leave America? Trump has betrayed America and lied to his base still again. He said he would shut the border down, but it turns out Trump is a coward. He said he would end federal funding for sanctuary cities, but he hasn’t. He said he would lock them up, that there would be accountability, but again, he hasn’t done a damn thing. Trump proves to be more schit than poultry, just another trick, a loud mouth George Bush with a bad comb over. Ann Coulter is right.
We need a primary challenge in 2020 just to show this blow hard liar and traitor we know he has betrayed us. He is just another egotistical billionaire with a retirement project. Trump is more suited for reality TV, to mud wrestling with Rosie O’Donnell than to being President. I’m done, finished with this bullschit artist. When your word is no good, neither are you. But don’t expect to hear any of this from Hannity. Trump supporters can color me gone.
JEROME LEMONT / April 5, 2019
Common ,you never voted for Trump. You are just a clever Troll
NightWing / April 5, 2019
^^^More Fake News from another Democrat TROLL!!! Nice try dufus, but afy ter 2 long years of your lies and manufactured stories, we know left-wing BS when we see it .. rotflmao!
NightWing / April 5, 2019
^^^More Fake News from another Democrat TROLL!!! Nice try dufus, but after 2 long years of your lies and manufactured stories, we know left-wing BS when we see it .. rotflmao!