Charles Krauthammer writes a weekly syndicated political column that runs on Fridays. He is also a Fox News commentator, appearing nightly on “Special Report with Bret Baier,” and a panelist on “Inside Washington.” Krauthammer received the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1987 for “his witty and insightful columns on national issues.” Krauthammer began his journalism career at The New Republic, where he was a writer and editor and won the 1984 National Magazine Award for Essays and Criticism. Before going into journalism, he was a speechwriter for Vice President Walter Mondale in 1980, he helped direct planning in psychiatric research for the Carter administration, and he practiced medicine for three years as a resident and then-chief resident in psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. Krauthammer was born in New York City and grew up in Montreal, Quebec. He attended McGill University, Balliol College, Oxford and Harvard Medical School.