Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, May 10, 2017. (Photo: AP)
Republican voters once chose John McCain as the nominee of their party, but now they hold an unfavorable view of the six-term senator from Arizona and want him to step down. The terminally ill senator has chosen to spend his final days as a thorn in the side of President Donald Trump, and GOP voters do not approve.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Republican voters have an unfavorable view of Senator McCain, including 25% who hold a Very Unfavorable opinion of him. Forty-three percent (43%) of these voters have a positive view, which includes just 18% with a Very Favorable opinion.
In 2015, opinions were completely reversed, with 51% of Republicans having a favorable view of Senator McCain and 44% having an unfavorable one. While most Republicans (69%) continue to have their designs on a party that looks more like President Trump than Senator McCain, 76% of Democrats and 53% of voters not affiliated with either major party think the GOP should be more like the failed 2008 nominee.
Senator McCain was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 and to the U.S. Senate in 1986 after Barry Goldwater, another former GOP nominee for president, decided to retire.
But Republicans now say it’s time for him to leave Washington, D.C.
A whopping 62% of Republican voters want Senator McCain to step down from the U.S. Senate before May 30 so voters in Arizona can choose a successor to run for the seat in November. Thirty-four percent (34%) of Democrats and 45% of unaffiliated voters agree.
Senator McCain has brain cancer and Republicans who control the Arizona Senate were prevented by the lockstep Democratic minority from passing an emergency clause changing how members of Congress who die or resign are replaced. Vacancies are filled by a governor’s appointee, with the seat on the next general election ballot.
Good Gravey / May 17, 2018
Ted Carroll / May 17, 2018
Oh these “conservative-leaning” pollsters, always covering up unkind GOP issues ……
NRA Have you joined? / May 17, 2018
Till the bitter end he will be “self serving”…its all about HIM……
#MAGA / May 17, 2018
Yes, @SenJohnMcCain needs to step down immediately! He is now the most hated Republican. Congratula… https://t.co/ClxXZu4US2
MAGA??DJT⭐️✈️2018? / May 17, 2018
McCain’s absenteeism is wrecking the senate. I think he likes it that way! He’d vote Dem anyway. So… https://t.co/H9AHxMQLjg
Joseph Herron / May 17, 2018
Now step down can’t do his job retire him and appoint someone that can work for the people
Shantastik / May 17, 2018
John McCain is a corrupt politician who purposely lied to his voters.
Dennis Barstow / May 17, 2018
@Bcalsh Yes : lying not saying what the voter ask for giving a fake paper to help bring down our President known it was fake
Doug / May 17, 2018
We also want to retract or 08’ vote ?
John Coonen / May 17, 2018
Yeah, we want him to step down, but he can’t get any lower. Songbird belongs in Gitmo solitary.
Lynn rethorst / May 17, 2018
If he is such a “great patriot “ as all the dems and never trumpers claim, he would step down for t… https://t.co/VowxqwipNn
Mara Lago 03-16 / May 17, 2018
@Barnes_Law Long past due!!!
Patti Jo Cushman / May 17, 2018
Yes, if he is planning his funeral and writing his book then he is not represent his constituents i… https://t.co/sKOKbxZ8Zc
Ḽisa / May 17, 2018
Rocky Max / May 17, 2018
Take him off the payroll now!!!!
Lojak the Deplorable / May 17, 2018
That’s putting it mildly I can think of more colorful ways to tell him to step down
Woefully Inept / May 17, 2018
– from life
Craig Gleason / May 17, 2018
Sorry I voted for him for president. Now convinced he never wanted to win.
isabelle_paget / May 17, 2018
@jkc_jaycee Good he needs to get out immediately
Dan Hanlon / May 17, 2018
We don’t want him to STEP DOWN. We want him to STEP OUT..of life on Earth.
Annie Moreland Kahl / May 18, 2018
C’mon Dan…that’s just cruel and inhuman. I know there’s a spark of humanity in you…somewhere ! Might take a colonoscopy to find it…
Dan Hanlon / May 18, 2018
He is a traitor, he got Airmen and ground troops killed in Nam, he himself killed and injured sailors on the USS Forrestal. DO NOT tell me to calm down. FXCK HIM. Consider this my last word on the matter.
Annie Moreland Kahl / May 18, 2018
Okeedokee then. I can understand your attitude towards him…what was my crime ? Consider yourself unfriended.
Laura Le Vasseur-Peters / May 17, 2018
He wants to keep his foot in the door and collect all the money he can get he is a very hatful & selfish man to the end I would never vote for him for anything he is a mean person .?????????????????
Elaine Tonker / May 17, 2018
His “NO” vote on getting Obamacare overturned was a selfish act of revenge.
CardsYanksFan / May 17, 2018
I have respect for his service but question his reasoning and logic ability considering his current… https://t.co/qV7Wmkah3O
Jenny / May 18, 2018
He is ineffective in his role and yet, he is still collecting a paycheck at taxpayer’s expense. And, he doesn’t want President Trump to attend his funeral?? He is mean-spirited and doing our country a Disservice by staying on the payroll. This wouldnt be allowed to happen in the corporate world. He needs to do the right thing and RESIGN!!
Sal Gangi Dino / May 19, 2018
Soon he has to answer to the devil for his actions and life here on heart,may he be treated for what he deserves.