E-Commerce Retail Sales Graphic (Source: Adobe Stock)
E-Commerce retail sales gained in the first-quarter (1Q) 2018, rising 3.9% to $123.7 billion from the previous quarter juxtaposed to a 3.2 gain in the fourth quarter (4Q). The U.S. Census Bureau and Commerce Department (CoD) joint report showed e-commerce rose 0.4% to 9.5% of total retail sales.
However, year-on-year growth did slow slightly, to 16.4% in the 1Q from 16.9% in the 4Q.
ROBERT MEGA / May 17, 2018
YES, If U R a person EXPORTING CHINESE JUNK, but if U are a small business on E commerce, ie Amazon… https://t.co/geNZ4wDznm