[brid video=”40970″ player=”2077″ title=”Gay Latino Trump Supporter It Was Harder to Come Out for Trump Than the Closest”]
Juan Hernandez, a gay Latino Trump supporter who was attacked at a rally in San Jose, said it was harder to come out in support of Donald Trump than the closet. That’s not because it was hard for him to support Mr. Trump. In fact, he’s been a Trump supporter from the beginning of the cycle.
Rather it’s because of same reason we are seeing social desirability bias in the polls, which has resulted in Mr. Trump over-performing his polling numbers in most states, including the final seven competitive primary contests.
Mr. Hernandez, a member of Log Cabin Republicans, a pro-gay limited government advocacy group, was viciously attacked by anti-U.S. Mexican-flag waving protestors at a rally in San Jose.
As PPD previously reported, he also confirmed the police on scene when asked said they were told by the mayor and police commissioner to stand down and allow the violent attacks. As a result, he suffered a broken nose and a concussion.
Vito Esposito / June 9, 2016
@realDonaldTrump Yet these Gay Latino’s will support a woman who’s been in bed with an ideology that kills homosexuals? Dumb!