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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsMove Over Wendy Davis, Donna Campbell Stands for Texas Abortion Ban

Move Over Wendy Davis, Donna Campbell Stands for Texas Abortion Ban

It may come as a shock to mainstream media consumers outside the Lone Star State, but Wendy Davis is not the only woman in Texas and her opinion is not shared by a majority of Texans.

To hear the mainstream media drool all over themselves since last week’s filibuster, you might have the impression that state Senator Wendy Davis is a champion of Texas women. However, the truth, is that the bill she demagogued and trashed last week, Texas SB5, was sponsored by a woman, state Rep. Jodie Laubenberg of Collin County, and as I wrote in “Support for Abortion and the GOP “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”‘ the pro-life position has retaken the majority nationwide, let alone in even more conservative Texas.

A woman also led the fight to pass the bill in the Texas Senate. State Senator Donna Campbell who represents District 25 in central Texas, which she won with over 65% of the vote in 2012, appeared on America Live with Megyn Kelly. She responded to the liberal critics, including their claim that the bill would close all but 5 clinics in the state, calling any clinic that does close in response to the law a threat to women’s health.

As was the original intent, the Texas legislature is part-time and when she is not attending to the business of the state, she works as an ER Physician, and holds a B.S. from Central State University; M.N. from Texas Women’s University; M.D. from Texas Tech Health Science Center. Her resume includes a General Surgical Internship, Methodist Hospital of Dallas; and a residency in Ophthalmology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

Dr. Donna Campbell might know a thing or two about the medical implications involved in Senate Bill 5, or its replacement in the special session kicking off today. In fact, several prominent liberal political pundits have expressed some serious concern with the extreme position held by Wendy Davis and the pro-abortion “anytime” wing of the Democratic Party. Kirsten Powers called the claim regarding the clinics “greatly exaggerated” and pointed to Pennsylvania, where so-called women’s rights groups made the same claims that never came to fruition.

In the Washington Post, Kathleen Parker wrote in “Wendy Davis shouldn’t be sainted for her filibuster,” that she admired the woman for her “intelligence, tenacity, and chutzpah,” but that the recent praise she has received from the media and the left – who are one in the same – is absurd.”:

No matter what one’s politics, one can’t help noticing the strangeness of this latest phenomenon — fame by filibuster — or the remarkable acclamation bestowed on Davis for her passionate defense of a woman’s right to destroy an unborn child (or fetus, if you prefer) up to the 24th week of pregnancy. One may wish to leave unfettered a woman’s right to do anything to herself, even if it means destroying her own offspring, but shouldn’t one be at least somewhat discomfited? Instead, we celebrate.

Unlike state Senator Dr. Donna Campbell, who has actual knowledge in the field and on the issue, Wendy Davis was not able to offer an intelligent response in the one interview that some – Joe Scarborough – didn’t turn in to a complete anointing and asked her an actual question. As Parker wrote:

When MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough asked a substantive question — whether Davis thinks 20 weeks is an unreasonable limit on abortion — she replied in part that some women don’t even know they’re pregnant at 20 weeks. Really? Even if true, though surely rare, this observation is utterly irrelevant.

Of course, liberal opposition to include Wendy Davis, cannot match her intellect so they will just stoop to the usual liberal vitriol. I received my fair share after publishing the aforementioned article, because as I wrote in “Support for Abortion Decreases, But Ignorance in Support of Abortion is Strong,” the liberal position is not factual and disintegrates after the facts are exposed. Donna Campbell, after drumming up such inconvenient truths, has been the recipient of hate-filled Facebook messages and emails that say, “I hope you’re raped,” or “I hope your daughter’s raped,” her spokesman, Jon Oliver, said to NRO.

“Lots of language — ‘You’re an effin’ blank,’ ‘You are a traitor to women’ — those kind of things,” Mr. Oliver said, in NRO. “They’re the kind of emails that make you a little nervous.”

But state Senator Dr. Donna Campbell is ready for a fight. She took to Twitter to let her supporters and the minority opposition that she was not about to back down:

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Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

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