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HomeOpinionGov. Chris Christie Tops ‘Feeling Thermometer’ Poll, Harry Reid Comes In Dead Last

Gov. Chris Christie Tops ‘Feeling Thermometer’ Poll, Harry Reid Comes In Dead Last

Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie scored the highest overall rating of 53.1 degrees (on a scale of 0 to 100) in Quinnipiac’s “feeling thermometer” poll, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid coming in dead last 33.8 degrees.

Following Gov. Chris Christie, the next highest-rated Republican was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz – who scored 46.8 – with 60% saying offering no opinion of the junior senator who Democrats have become accustomed to likening to the anti-communist Sen. Joseph McCarthy R-WI.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and likely Democratic presidential candidate, was the top overall Democrat at 52.1 degrees, just under likely top presidential candidate for the GOP, Gov. Chris Christie. Clinton scores 44.2 degrees among independent voters and a below-freezing 31.6 degrees among Republicans.

President Obama registered 47.6 degrees, which puts the president in a fourth-place tie with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

Not surprisingly, the four House and Senate leaders from the two major parties received the lowest overall scores in the survey: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi came in at 38.4, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at 37.5, Republican House Speaker John Boehner at 36.7, and again, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was dead last at 33.8 degrees.

Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, commented:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s score is not surprising given her lengthy political career and especially strong support among Democrats and women. But Gov. Christopher Christie’s rating is impressive given that his experience – less than four years as governor – pales compared to Mrs. Clinton’ s resume. What is interesting is that only two of the 22 figures rate better than the absolute middle of the scale, not exactly a ringing endorsement of the nation’s political establishment.

Even though Gov. Chris Christie is the hottest leader in the eyes of all American voters, he ranks just eighth in the hearts of Republican voters, with 59.8 degrees. Congressman Paul Ryan R-WI, who was the GOP’s 2012 vice presidential candidate, generates the most heat among Republican voters with 68.7 degrees.

“Christie’s great strength is among independent voters, who give him 50.6 degrees of love, and Democrats, who give him 53.2 degrees,” Brown said. “His rating on the Thermometer scale is a good indication of what may face him should he travel the 2016 campaign trail. His tougher problem may be winning the GOP nomination because in most states only registered Republicans are able to vote in party primaries. For example, Christie is much hotter than Sen. Rand Paul among all voters, but trails him by a bit among Republicans,” he added.

A new round of polling conducted by Monmouth University shows Gov. Chris Christie within striking distance of Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical 2016 presidential race. All other Republicans are trailing the former Sec. of State outside of the margin of error.

Read polling analysis from survey’s conducted last week, including Generic Congressional Ballot, presidential approval rating, and 2014 midterm elections.

The Quinnipiac Survey of 1,468 registered voters was conducted from July 28-31 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.6%.
The political figures and their scores, in degrees, not percentages:
  • Gov. Christie – 53.1
  • Secretary Clinton – 52.1
  • Sen. Warren – 49.2
  • President Obama – 47.6
  • Sen. Gillibrand – 47.6
  • Sen. Cruz – 46.8
  • Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida – 46.5
  • Vice President Joseph Biden – 46.2
  • Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley – 45.7
  • Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal – 45.2
  • Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky – 44.8
  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo – 43.9
  • U.S. Rep. Peter King of New York – 43.6
  • U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan – 43
  • Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker – 41.1
  • Former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania – 40.7
  • Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush – 40.4
  • Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia – 39.4
  • Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi – 38.4
  • Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell – 37.5
  • Republican House Speaker John Boehner – 36.7
  • Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid – 33.8

6. (INTRO TO Q6a-Q6v ROTATED) I’d like to get your feelings toward some of our political leaders and other people who have been in the news. I’ll read the name of a person and I’d like you to rate that person using something called the feeling thermometer. You can choose any number between 0 and 100. The higher the number, the warmer or more favorable you feel toward that person, the lower the number, the colder or less favorable. If we come to a person who you haven’t heard enough about to form an opinion, you don’t need to rate the person. Just tell me and we’ll move on to the next one. (Split sample, names were rotated) How do you feel about — ?

              PERCENT SCORING WITHIN RANGES.....................   Mean
                     0-20  21-40 41-60  61-80  81-100  <50  50  >50  DK   Score

Chris Christie       12     12     24     21      9     26  14  37   21    53.1
Hillary Clinton      27     11     17     20     23     39  11  49    2    52.1
Elizabeth Warren     12      6     11      9      8     19   7  21   51    49.2
Barack Obama         34     11     13     17     25     46   9  44    1    47.6
Kirsten Gillibrand    6      3      7      3      4     10   5   9   75    47.6
Ted Cruz             11      5     10      7      6     17   6  15   60    46.8
Marco Rubio          15     11     17     13      6     28  10  25   36    46.5
Joe Biden            31     11     17     16     17     43  10  39    8    46.2
Martin O'Malley       5      3      6      4      2      8   4   7   78    45.7
Bobby Jindal         11      8     10     10      3     21   7  16   56    45.2
Rand Paul            22     10     14     16      8     33   9  28   28    44.8
Andrew Cuomo         15     10     16     11      4     27  10  20   41    43.9
Peter King            8      4      8      6      2     13   5  10   71    43.6
Paul Ryan            24     12     17     15      8     37   9  28   24    43.0
Scott Walker         12      5      7      6      4     17   4  12   65    41.1
Rick Santorum        23     11     20     12      4     35  10  24   30    40.7
Jeb Bush             24     17     20     12      6     44  13  22   20    40.4
Mark Warner          10      6     11      5      1     16   7   9   65    39.4
Nancy Pelosi         35     10     15     16      9     47   9  30   13    38.4
Mitch McConnell      19     12     18      8      2     32   9  17   39    37.5
John Boehner         27     14     16     12      4     43   9  22   24    36.7
Harry Reid           29     10     16      8      4     40   9  17   32    33.8

                     PERCENT SCORING WITHIN RANGES.....................   Mean
                     0-20  21-40 41-60  61-80  81-100  <50  50  >50  DK   Score

Paul Ryan             5      4     13     28     18     10   4  53   29    68.7
Ted Cruz              4      3     10     11     13      7   8  25   56    65.6
Marco Rubio           4      7     16     24     15     11  11  44   32    65.1
Scott Walker          2      3      9     11      5      6   4  20   65    62.1
Rand Paul             8      9     19     27     15     17  10  51   19    61.6
Jeb Bush              6      9     24     24     15     18  15  45   21    61.3
Rick Santorum         7      6     22     24     10     13  12  44   29    60.0
Chris Christie        7      9     24     24     15     18  16  45   21    59.8
Bobby Jindal          4      5     12     15      6     10   9  23   58    59.3
Mitch McConnell       6      7     23     16      6     13  10  34   39    57.6
Peter King            4      3      8     10      4      7   5  18   68    57.4
John Boehner          9     10     23     26      7     20  12  43   25    55.7
Martin O'Malley       5      -      5      1      2      5   2   5   85    41.3
Mark Warner           8      5      8      5      -     13   6   7   69    39.3
Kirsten Gillibrand    6      5      5      2      -     11   4   3   79    37.2
Andrew Cuomo         19     10     17      6      1     31  13  10   44    34.1
Elizabeth Warren     18      5     12      6      -     23   9   9   55    32.3
Hillary Clinton      46     18     16     13      4     66   9  23    1    31.6
Joe Biden            60     10     13      8      4     71   7  16    6    23.8
Harry Reid           41      8     14      3      -     50   9   6   32    21.0
Nancy Pelosi         59     10      5      6      5     69   4  11   15    19.8
Barack Obama         68     15     10      4      3     84   7   9    -    18.2

                     PERCENT SCORING WITHIN RANGES.....................   Mean
                     0-20  21-40 41-60  61-80  81-100  <50  50  >50  DK   Score

Hillary Clinton       3      3     14     34     45      7   7  84    2    77.7
Barack Obama          6      6     12     24     52     12   7  80    -    76.3
Joe Biden             6     11     15     28     36     17  11  67    5    69.5
Elizabeth Warren      3      8     14     11     17     12   8  33   46    65.0
Nancy Pelosi          4      9     24     33     18     15  16  58   11    64.2
Kirsten Gillibrand    5      1      8      4      7      6   5  14   74    58.5
Andrew Cuomo          9      8     16     16      8     17   9  30   42    55.0
Harry Reid            9     11     21     16      8     21  11  34   34    54.0
Martin O'Malley       4      2      7      7      3      7   5  12   72    53.7
Chris Christie       13     10     25     18     10     25  15  37   22    53.2
Mark Warner          12      5     10      4      2     17   7  10   63    39.4
Marco Rubio          22     13     12      6      1     36   6  11   45    32.9
Peter King           11      2      7      2      1     14   5   5   77    32.4
Bobby Jindal         17     10      8      4      1     28   5   6   60    29.7
Jeb Bush             37     22     14      3      2     62  10   7   17    26.7
Rick Santorum        36     10     15      4      1     48  10   9   33    26.2
John Boehner         38     14     12      6      1     55   6  10   26    25.0
Ted Cruz             18      6      6      2      1     24   5   4   65    24.5
Rand Paul            39     11     10      5      1     51   7   9   33    23.8
Paul Ryan            40     17     12      4      1     57   9   7   25    23.3
Mitch McConnell      31     11     12      2      1     44   7   6   41    22.6
Scott Walker         20      5      5      1      -     25   3   3   67    20.2

                     PERCENT SCORING WITHIN RANGES.....................   Mean
                     0-20  21-40 41-60  61-80  81-100  <50  50  >50  DK   Score

Chris Christie       13     14     27     22      5     30  15  37   18    50.6
Ted Cruz              9      6     11      9      6     17   6  17   58    50.4
Rand Paul            17     12     15     18      9     29  11  30   29    49.1
Paul Ryan            18     14     24     14     10     34  14  31   21    48.0
Bobby Jindal         10     10     13     12      3     21   8  19   50    47.8
Scott Walker          9      5      9      6      5     15   4  15   64    45.9
Marco Rubio          17     12     24     13      5     31  16  25   27    45.0
Elizabeth Warren     16      6     10     10      6     23   5  19   52    44.2
Hillary Clinton      34     13     20     14     16     48  13  36    2    44.2
Peter King            7      8     10      5      2     16   6  10   67    43.6
Barack Obama         36     12     17     19     15     50  12  38    -    42.8
Kirsten Gillibrand    8      3      9      5      2     13   6   9   73    42.1
Jeb Bush             22     16     25     14      5     42  14  26   18    41.8
Rick Santorum        19     16     19     14      3     38   9  25   28    41.5
Joe Biden            32     12     24     15      8     47  11  33    9    41.3
Andrew Cuomo         17     14     16     11      3     33   9  19   37    41.2
Mark Warner           9      8     12      4      1     18   8   9   63    39.9
Martin O'Malley       5      3      6      3      -      9   5   4   81    39.2
Mitch McConnell      16     15     19      8      1     34  12  14   39    38.5
John Boehner         26     18     17     11      3     45  10  20   24    36.2
Nancy Pelosi         48     12     15      7      2     62   7  16   14    25.8
Harry Reid           40     10     16      5      1     51  10  10   28    25.3
TREND: I’d like to get your feelings toward some of our political leaders and other people who have been in the news. I’ll read the name of a person and I’d like you to rate that person using something called the feeling thermometer. You can choose any number between 0 and 100. The higher the number, the warmer or more favorable you feel toward that person, the lower the number, the colder or less favorable. If we come to a person who you haven’t heard enough about to form an opinion, you don’t need to rate the person. Just tell me and we’ll move on to the next one. (Split sample, names were rotated, Trend listed if previously asked)
                      MEAN SCORE....................................
                      Aug 05  Mar 07  Nov 27  Sep 06  Jun 05  Mar 06
                      2013    2011    2006    2006    2006    2006 

Obama, Barack         47.6    56.5    58.8    54.9    58.4    59.9
Pelosi, Nancy         38.4    32.9    46.9    34.7    na      na  
Reid, Harry           33.8    34.8    41.2    37.9    na      na  
Boehner, John         36.7    51.1    na      na      na      na  
McConnell, Mitch      37.5    45.2    na      na      na      na  
Christie, Chris       53.1    57.0    na      na      na      na
Santorum, Rick        40.7    43.9    na      na      na      na  
Clinton, Hillary      52.1    na      49.0    46.1    49.9    50.4
Biden, Joe            46.2    na      47.0    44.6    48.8    47.5 
Warner, Mark          39.4    na      na      47.7    47.1    50.7
6a. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Barack Obama?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 34%    68%     6%    36%    40%    28%
21-40                11     15      6     12     12      9
41-60                13     10     12     17     14     12
61-80                17      4     24     19     15     18
81-100               25      3     52     15     18     31
DK                    1      -      -      -      -      1
RF                    -      -      -      -      -      -

<50                  46%    84%    12%    50%    53%    39%
50                    9      7      7     12     10      8
>50                  44      9     80     38     37     52

Mean               47.6   18.2   76.3   42.8   41.2   54.1
TREND: How do you feel about Barack Obama?
                     Aug 05  Mar 07  Nov 27  Sep 05  Jun 05  Mar 06
                     2013    2011    2006    2006    2006    2006

0-20                 34      21      11      10       7       6
21-40                11      13       5       5       6       5
41-60                13      14      12      10       9       9
61-80                17      22      14      10      13      11
81-100               25      29      16      11      10      10
DON'T KNOW            1       -      41      54      55      59
REFUSED               -       -       -       -       -       -

<50                  46      37      17      15      13      11
50                    9       8       7       5       5       5
>50                  44      54      35      26      26      25

Mean               47.6    56.5    58.8    54.9    58.4    59.9
6b. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Nancy Pelosi?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 35%    59%     4%    48%    44%    27%
21-40                10     10      9     12     11      9
41-60                15      5     24     15     14     16
61-80                16      6     33      7     14     19
81-100                9      5     18      2      6     12
DK                   13     15     11     14      9     17
RF                    1      -      -      1      1      -

<50                  47%    69%    15%    62%    57%    38%
50                    9      4     16      7      8     10
>50                  30     11     58     16     25     35

Mean               38.4   19.8   64.2   25.8   32.1   45.3
TREND: How do you feel about Nancy Pelosi?
                     Aug 05  Mar 07  Nov 27  Sep 05
                     2013    2011    2006    2006

0-20                 35      41      20      20
21-40                10      10       7       8
41-60                15      17      14      10
61-80                16      11      16       6
81-100                9       6       9       2
DON'T KNOW           13      15      34      53
REFUSED               1       1       -       -

<50                  47      51      28      28
50                    9       9       8       6
>50                  30      24      30      13

Mean               38.4    32.9    46.9     34.7
6c. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Harry Reid?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 29%    41%     9%    40%    36%    22%
21-40                10      8     11     10      8     11
41-60                16     14     21     16     15     18
61-80                 8      3     16      5     10      5
81-100                4      -      8      1      3      5
DK                   32     32     34     28     27     38
RF                    1      3      -      1      1      1

<50                  40%    50%    21%    51%    45%    35%
50                    9      9     11     10      7     12
>50                  17      6     34     10     19     15

Mean               33.8   21.0   54.0   25.3   31.1   37.1

TREND: How do you feel about Harry Reid?

                     Aug 05  Mar 07  Nov 27  Sep 05
                     2013    2011    2006    2006

0-20                 29      26      12      13
21-40                10       9       7       6
41-60                16      17       9      10
61-80                 8       8       8       5
81-100                4       2       2       2
DK                   32      37      61      65
RF                    1       1       1       -

<50                  40      36      19      19
50                    9      10       5       6
>50                  17      17      14      10

Mean               33.8    34.8    41.2    37.9
6d. (Split sample) How do you feel about – John Boehner?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 27%     9%    38%    26%    29%    24%
21-40                14     10     14     18     19      9
41-60                16     23     12     17     14     19
61-80                12     26      6     11     15     10
81-100                4      7      1      3      4      3
DK                   24     25     26     24     17     33
RF                    2      1      2      1      1      2

<50                  43%    20%    55%    45%    50%    36%
50                    9     12      6     10      7     11
>50                  22     43     10     20     26     18

Mean               36.7   55.7   25.0   36.2   36.5   37.0
TREND: How do you feel about John Boehner?
                     Aug 05  Mar 07
                     2013    2011

0-20                 27      13
21-40                14       7
41-60                16      15
61-80                12      14
81-100                4       8
DK                   24      41
RF                    2       1

<50                  43      21
50                    9       7
>50                  22      30

Mean               36.7    51.1
6e. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Mitch McConnell?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 19%     6%    31%    16%    20%    17%
21-40                12      7     11     15     13     10
41-60                18     23     12     19     21     14
61-80                 8     16      2      8      9      6
81-100                2      6      1      1      2      3
DK                   39     39     41     39     32     47
RF                    2      3      2      2      2      2

<50                  32%    13%    44%    34%    35%    29%
50                    9     10      7     12     11      8
>50                  17     34      6     14     20     13

Mean               37.5   57.6   22.6   38.5   38.0   36.8
TREND: How do you feel about Mitch McConnell?
                     Aug 05  Mar 07
                     2013    2011

0-20                 19      11
21-40                12       9
41-60                18      17
61-80                 8      10
81-100                2       3
DK                   39      48
RF                    2       1

<50                  32      21
50                    9       9
>50                  17      20

Mean               37.5    45.2
6f. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Jeb Bush?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 24%     6%    37%    22%    21%    26%
21-40                17      9     22     16     18     16
41-60                20     24     14     25     22     19
61-80                12     24      3     14     14     10
81-100                6     15      2      5      8      4
DK                   20     21     17     18     17     23
RF                    1      -      3      -      1      2

<50                  44%    18%    62%    42%    42%    45%
50                   13     15     10     14     14     11
>50                  22     45      7     26     26     18

Mean               40.4   61.3   26.7   41.8   43.5   36.9
6g. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Marco Rubio?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 15%     4%    22%    17%    16%    14%
21-40                11      7     13     12     14      8
41-60                17     16     12     24     19     14
61-80                13     24      6     13     17     10
81-100                6     15      1      5      7      5
DK                   36     32     45     27     26     46
RF                    2      2      1      1      1      2

<50                  28%    11%    36%    31%    32%    24%
50                   10     11      6     16     11     10
>50                  25     44     11     25     30     19

Mean               46.5   65.1   32.9   45.0   47.6   44.9
6h. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Paul Ryan?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 24%     5%    40%    18%    23%    24%
21-40                12      4     17     14     11     13
41-60                17     13     12     24     18     15
61-80                15     28      4     14     18     11
81-100                8     18      1     10     10      6
DK                   24     29     25     21     20     28
RF                    2      3      1      -      -      3

<50                  37%    10%    57%    34%    36%    39%
50                    9      4      9     14      9      9
>50                  28     53      7     31     35     22

Mean               43.0   68.7   23.3   48.0   45.9   39.8
6i. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Scott Walker?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 12%     2%    20%     9%    14%     9%
21-40                 5      3      5      5      6      4
41-60                 7      9      5      9      7      7
61-80                 6     11      1      6      8      3
81-100                4      5      -      5      4      3
DK                   65     65     67     64     58     72
RF                    2      5      2      2      3      2

<50                  17%     6%    25%    15%    20%    13%
50                    4      4      3      4      2      5
>50                  12     20      3     15     17      8

Mean               41.1   62.1   20.2   45.9   42.2   39.4
6j. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Chris Christie?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 12%     7%    13%    13%    12%    12%
21-40                12      9     10     14     16      9
41-60                24     24     25     27     26     23
61-80                21     24     18     22     20     21
81-100                9     15     10      5      8     10
DK                   21     21     22     18     18     25
RF                    1      -      2      1      1      1

<50                  26%    18%    25%    30%    30%    22%
50                   14     16     15     15     15     13
>50                  37     45     37     37     36     39

Mean               53.1   59.8   53.2   50.6   51.8   54.5
TREND: How do you feel about Chris Christie? (* Christopher)
                     Aug 05  Mar 07
                     2013    2011*

0-20                 12       7
21-40                12       6
41-60                24      10
61-80                21      10
81-100                9      11
DK                   21      55
RF                    1       1

<50                  26      15
50                   14       5
>50                  37      24

Mean               53.1    57.0
6k. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Bobby Jindal?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 11%     4%    17%    10%    12%    10%
21-40                 8      5     10     10      8      9
41-60                10     12      8     13     15      6
61-80                10     15      4     12     14      7
81-100                3      6      1      3      3      3
DK                   56     58     60     50     47     64
RF                    1      -      1      2      1      1

<50                  21%    10%    28%    21%    22%    20%
50                    7      9      5      8     10      3
>50                  16     23      6     19     20     12

Mean               45.2   59.3   29.7   47.8   46.9   42.9
6l. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Rand Paul?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 22%     8%    39%    17%    22%    22%
21-40                10      9     11     12     11     10
41-60                14     19     10     15     16     13
61-80                16     27      5     18     19     12
81-100                8     15      1      9      9      7
DK                   28     19     33     29     22     35
RF                    1      3      -      1      1      2

<50                  33%    17%    51%    29%    33%    33%
50                    9     10      7     11     11      8
>50                  28     51      9     30     34     23

Mean               44.8   61.6   23.8   49.1   46.8   42.2
6m. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Ted Cruz?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 11%     4%    18%     9%    11%    10%
21-40                 5      3      6      6      5      4
41-60                10     10      6     11     13      5
61-80                 7     11      2      9      9      4
81-100                6     13      1      6      8      4
DK                   60     56     65     58     51     70
RF                    2      4      2      1      2      2

<50                  17%     7%    24%    17%    19%    15%
50                    6      8      5      6      7      5
>50                  15     25      4     17     21      8

Mean               46.8   65.6   24.5   50.4   49.8   41.3
6n. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Rick Santorum?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 23%     7%    36%    19%    24%    21%
21-40                11      6     10     16     11     10
41-60                20     22     15     19     20     19
61-80                12     24      4     14     16      9
81-100                4     10      1      3      4      5
DK                   30     29     33     28     24     36
RF                    -      1      -      -      1      -

<50                  35%    13%    48%    38%    38%    31%
50                   10     12     10      9      9     12
>50                  24     44      9     25     29     20

Mean               40.7   60.0   26.2   41.5   41.3   40.0
TREND: How do you feel about Rick Santorum?
                     Aug 05  Mar 07
                     2013    2011

0-20                 23      11
21-40                11       4
41-60                20      10
61-80                12       7
81-100                4       3
DK                   30      63
RF                    -       2

<50                  35      16
50                   10       5
>50                  24      14

Mean               40.7    43.9
6o. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Peter King?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                  8%     4%    11%     7%     7%     8%
21-40                 4      3      2      8      6      3
41-60                 8      8      7     10     12      5
61-80                 6     10      2      5      8      3
81-100                2      4      1      2      2      2
DK                   71     68     77     67     63     79
RF                    1      3      -      1      1      1

<50                  13%     7%    14%    16%    14%    11%
50                    5      5      5      6      8      3
>50                  10     18      5     10     14      6

Mean               43.6   57.4   32.4   43.6   47.0   37.6
6p. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Hillary Clinton?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 27%    46%     3%    34%    33%    20%
21-40                11     18      3     13     12     10
41-60                17     16     14     20     20     14
61-80                20     13     34     14     19     22
81-100               23      4     45     16     14     32
DK                    2      1      2      2      2      2
RF                    -      1      -      -      -      -

<50                  39%    66%     7%    48%    47%    31%
50                   11      9      7     13     12      9
>50                  49     23     84     36     39     59

Mean               52.1   31.6   77.7   44.2   45.0   59.8
TREND: How do you feel about Hillary Clinton?
                     Aug 05  Nov 27  Sep 05  Jun 05  Mar 06
                     2013    2006    2006    2006    2006

0-20                 27      32      31      28      29
21-40                11       9      15      11      11
41-60                17      15      17      17      17
61-80                20      21      18      22      20
81-100               23      20      19      20      22
DON'T KNOW            2       1       1       2       2
REFUSED               -       -       -       -       -

<50                  39      43      47      41      41
50                   11       7      10       9       9
>50                  49      48      43      47      48

Mean               52.1    49.0    46.1    49.9    50.4
6q. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Joe Biden?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 31%    60%     6%    32%    38%    24%
21-40                11     10     11     12     10     11
41-60                17     13     15     24     17     17
61-80                16      8     28     15     17     15
81-100               17      4     36      8     10     24
DK                    8      6      5      9      7     10
RF                    -      -      -      -      -      -

<50                  43%    71%    17%    47%    49%    36%
50                   10      7     11     11     10     10
>50                  39     16     67     33     34     44

Mean               46.2   23.8   69.5   41.3   39.7   53.0

TREND: How do you feel about Joe Biden?

                     Aug 05  Nov 27  Sep 05  Jun 05  Mar 06
                     2013    2006    2006    2006    2006

0-20                 31      11      12       8       9
21-40                11       9       9       9       9
41-60                17      13      15      14      17
61-80                16      11       9      10      10
81-100               17       4       3       3       2
DON'T KNOW            8      52      53      55      53
REFUSED               -       -       -       -       -

<50                  43      20      22      18      19
50                   10       7       8       7       9
>50                  39      20      17      19      19

Mean               46.2    47.0    44.6    48.8    47.5
6r. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Andrew Cuomo?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 15%    19%     9%    17%    17%    13%
21-40                10     10      8     14     13      8
41-60                16     17     16     16     16     16
61-80                11      6     16     11     12     10
81-100                4      1      8      3      3      6
DK                   41     44     42     37     37     46
RF                    2      2      2      2      1      2

<50                  27%    31%    17%    33%    33%    21%
50                   10     13      9      9      9     10
>50                  20     10     30     19     20     21

Mean               43.9   34.1   55.0   41.2   41.4   46.9
6s. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Mark Warner?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 10%     8%    12%     9%    11%    10%
21-40                 6      5      5      8      9      3
41-60                11      8     10     12     11     10
61-80                 5      5      4      4      4      5
81-100                1      -      2      1      1      1
DK                   65     69     63     63     62     68
RF                    3      4      2      2      2      3

<50                  16%    13%    17%    18%    20%    13%
50                    7      6      7      8      7      7
>50                   9      7     10      9      8      9

Mean               39.4   39.3   39.4   39.9   37.8   41.3
TREND: How do you feel about Mark Warner?
                     Aug 05  Sep 05  Jun 05  Mar 06
                     2013    2006    2006    2006

0-20                 10       5       5       4
21-40                 6       6       5       5
41-60                11       9      11      11
61-80                 5       5       5       6
81-100                1       3       2       2
DON'T KNOW           65      73      72      72
REFUSED               3       -       1       1

<50                  16      12      11       9
50                    7       6       6       7
>50                   9      10      10      12

Mean               39.4    47.7    47.1    50.7
6t. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Martin O’Malley?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                  5%     5%     4%     5%     6%     3%
21-40                 3      -      2      3      4      2
41-60                 6      5      7      6      7      5
61-80                 4      1      7      3      2      6
81-100                2      2      3      -      1      2
DK                   78     85     72     81     78     79
RF                    3      3      4      1      2      3

<50                   8%     5%     7%     9%    11%     5%
50                    4      2      5      5      5      3
>50                   7      5     12      4      5      9

Mean               45.7   41.3   53.7   39.2   39.1   53.4
6u. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Elizabeth Warren?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                 12%    18%     3%    16%    16%     9%
21-40                 6      5      8      6      6      6
41-60                11     12     14     10     12     10
61-80                 9      6     11     10      9      9
81-100                8      -     17      6      7      9
DK                   51     55     46     52     48     55
RF                    2      4      1      1      2      1

<50                  19%    23%    12%    23%    23%    16%
50                    7      9      8      5      7      7
>50                  21      9     33     19     21     21

Mean               49.2   32.3   65.0   44.2   45.0   54.1
6v. (Split sample) How do you feel about – Kirsten Gillibrand?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom

0-20                  6%     6%     5%     8%     8%     5%
21-40                 3      5      1      3      3      3
41-60                 7      5      8      9      7      8
61-80                 3      2      4      5      3      3
81-100                4      -      7      2      3      5
DK                   75     79     74     73     75     75
RF                    1      2      1      1      1      2

<50                  10%    11%     6%    13%    13%     7%
50                    5      4      5      6      4      6
>50                   9      3     14      9      8     11Mean               47.6   37.2   58.5   42.1   41.7   53.7

Demographic Summary

Written by

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

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