Even MSNBC Thinks Hillary Pro Life Terrorist Comments Are “Gutter Politics”
The Morning Joe panel on MSNBC ripped Hillary Clinton for comparing pro-life Americans with Islamic terrorists during a campaign event in Cleveland, Ohio. Host Joe Scarborough called the comparison “absolutely disgusting” and “gutter politics at its worst.”
“Hillary Clinton saying that somebody who is pro-life — I mean, let’s tell the truth,” Scarborough said. “She wanted us to talk about this. She wanted to throw a bright shiny object out there, so they don’t talk about the email scandal…it’s gutter politics at its worst to compare people to radical terrorists that cut off people’s heads and blow up grandmoms.”
Scarborough also charged Clinton with making the over-the-top comments in an effort to distract voters away from the ongoing email scandal involving the former secretary of state using a private email server, which she decided to wipe after multiple investigations were opened. The FBI, as well as Congress, are investigation Clinton’s use of a home-brew server, misleading Congress and mishandling classified documents.
“It’s not all right,” Scarborough added. “And what Hillary Clinton did is compare somebody who is pro-life–which is close to 50% of Americans–to radical terrorists.”
Mark Halperin, not known for being particularly hard on Clinton or other liberals, agreed with Scarborough.
“If a Republican did this, the world would come to a halt,” Halperin said, adding her comments “should be condemned in strong terms.”