House Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., was shot by James T. Hodgkinson, a leftwing Trump-hater who supported Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. (Photos: AP/Facebook)
Phil Montag, a technology chairman with the Nebraska Democratic Party, has been caught on tape saying he’s “glad Scalise got shot. I wish he was f–king Dead.” Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., was shot last week by a leftwing support of Bernie Sanders named James T. Hodgkinson.
“His whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to fucking kick people off fucking healthcare,” said Montag. “I hate this motherfucker. I’m glad he got shot.”
“I wish he was fucking dead.”
Nebraska Democratic Party Chairwoman Jane Kleeb, who confirmed to the voice on the recording was Montag’s, told the Washington Examiner he was fired.
“We obviously condemn any kind of violence, whether it’s comments on Facebook or comments in a meeting,” Kleeb told Fox 42 KPTM in Nebraska. “Our country is better than the political rhetoric that is out there from both the far right and the far left.”
Rep. Scalise, 51, received several blood transfusions to combat blood loss and needed multiple surgeries as a result of a gun shot wound to his hip area. Doctors were having trouble controlling post-trauma bleeding, but MedStar Washington Hospital Center said his condition has steadily improved. Still, recovery will be a difficult battle for him and his family.
Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, carried a list of six Republicans–a hit list. Rep. Scalise was shot along with three others–including Capitol Police special agent Crystal Griner, Tysons Food lobbyist Matt Mika and congressional staffer Zach Barth–as Republicans were practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game.
Following the shooting, both sides called for rhetoric to be tamped down, but several Democratic officials have returned to making hyper-inflammatory statements, even in public. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said after the Senate released their health care bill draft that “people will die.”
“These cuts are blood money. People will die,” she decried. “Senate Republicans are paying for tax cuts for the wealthy with American lives.”
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franktrades / June 23, 2017
“Following the shooting, both sides called for…” Both sides? Killer Democrats and Elected Reps?