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Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomeCultureIs The Mega Church A Blessing, Or A Mega Disgrace To Grace?

Is The Mega Church A Blessing, Or A Mega Disgrace To Grace?


Acts 2:42-47 (NLT) 
42  All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. 43  A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. 44  And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had45 They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need46  They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47  all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.

Acts 20:24 (NLT) 
24  But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

A great phenomenon is taking place in the church today. It’s going on very quietly, but with dynamic results. This is one of those messages that pastors hate to deliver, but I believe now is the time to open up the conversation that is being whispered in the hallways of the church.

The phenomenon is the falling away of the saints from the local church into the arms of mega church ministries.

Today, even as I type this message, there are people leaving their churches for what the enemy has painted to be greener pastures.

The book of Acts is Gods ordained snapshot of how the church is to function. I want to bring your attention to the word “devote.” In Practical Word studies the word means: Loving, devoted. The word “devoted” (philostorgoi) means the love existing between family members.

I, however, like what my Practical Application app says:

The believer is to love by loving his brothers in Christ, by being kind and affectionate toward them. This charge is dealing with the Christian family, the brothers and sisters within the church. We are to love each other by being kind and affectionate. We are a family of children who have actually been adopted by God as His sons and daughters (2 Cor. 6:17-18; Galatians 4:4-6; Romans 8:16-17).

Therefore, the believer is to live as a family member with his brothers and sisters; he is to live being both kind and affectionate. Note: there is no dissension or divisiveness in love. The church is to live in love, and living in love is peace.

Notice that this devotion is two folded into one. First, to the apostles (or you could easily say pastors as that is what they did), and second in fellowship.

The word “fellowship” means: In common, sharing fellowship, partnership, and participation.

So, the church is to maintain a high level of tender hearted devotion to one another and an obligation to participate in activities with one another, which includes the aforementioned verse: 44 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.

How many of the believers met together in one place, or better yet one central location? How many?


Where did they worship each day? They all met each day at the church (temple).

Wow! Mind boggling! They all met each day and we have trouble meeting with one another once a week.

“Okay Pastor, you’re over-reacting.” No, I don’t think so.

I am thinking of about 10 people I know personally who do not think it is necessary to go to the church anymore. Our YouTube generation has made a “prodigal son” leap into disobedience without a second thought. Oh, and the excuses are vast.

  • There are no good churches in my neighborhood…
  • The pastor is all about money….
  • The pastor doesn’t walk in love….
  • There are too many ______ people go there….
  • The people are stuck up……
  • The pastor beats the sheep….
  • They have a bunch of clicks there……
  • The people there gossip too much……
  • The church is too big, they don’t even know I’m there…..
  • The church is too small, they want me to work too much….
  • They hurt me there…..
  • So and so goes there…..

And the list goes on and on.

Are some of these complaints legit? Of course they are. But wait, what happened to the Power of God? Where’s the Joy of The Lord? What happened to the Love? What happened to the Grace? The Grace of God for the Church? The adoration for the Church?

We bring disgrace to God’s Grace when we run from our Godly ordained lives to a life lived in front of a television screen. I understand because I, too, was tempted to sit in front of the TV.

I, too, left a church with many good reasons, sat home and watched Joseph Prince for 2 to 3 months. Then, the Holy Spirit started to nudge me saying, “what are you doing? The vacation is over!” So, Cindy and I prayed and got hooked up with a local church that was right for us.

But here comes the second round of disobedience of the saints.

Not only have they traded in their local church for a mega church on TV, they have also robbed God with their lack of tithes and offerings. So, now they sit in front of a TV and, then, they scale back their giving to $20.00 a month! That may be great news for the mega church, but it is bad news for the local church, their community, and bad news for the believer.

Recently, we went to see Joseph Prince at Newark, New Jersey, and he confirmed what I already knew, he looked intently into the camera and with great conviction said, “you must be part of a local church!”

Why did he say that? His ministry also used to say, “Your tithe belongs to your local church!” Why would he say that? Because people are writing in to him and saying, “your my pastor Joseph, I’m tithing to you!” That’s why he’s saying it! He’s saying it because when people tell him stuff like that he is grieved for them because they are in error!

Here are some of the other reasons why people who do this are in error. Our second scripture in Acts:

24  But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

Our lives are to be used to bring God glory by fulfilling the call of God in our lives. We are to tell others about His wonderful Grace. If all we do is sit home and watch the mega church on TV all day who are we filling ourselves up for? How do you find out what your gift is unless you put your hands to the plow at a local ministry and try out different departments to see where we shine!? Come on!

That is just common sense.

Maybe you fill up once per week on mega church TV, and perhaps you do share the message and someone gets saved. Now what?

How do you answer what you know will be their first question: where do you go to church?

If this message is not causing some Godly concern, then you are backslidden toward your brothers and sisters in Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ. It’s time to get right with God.

A prayer for today:

Father God we come to you in the name of Jesus. We thank you for your ordained gift to the Believer, The Local Church! Father I thank you that blinded eye where opened by this message. That hearts where convicted and that the believer would repent and come back to Fathers house. No guilt, no condemnation, but just Holy Spirit led conviction to do what is right in your sight. I thank you that this message will reach all who are settling for the mega TV life, so that they can make things right with you, and most of all that they would become active witnesses of your never ceasing Grace! We thank you for changed hearts in Jesus Name! Amen!

Loving God & His People,

Pastor Steven Pereira

Written by

Pastor Steven Pereira is the co-founder of Together With Christ Church in Toms River, New Jersey.

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