A Saudi Arabian banking and real estate CEO Abdallah S. Kamel, aka HE Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel, right, gave a $10 million gift to create the Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization at Yale Law School, left.
On September 8, Yale University President Peter Salovey and Yale Law School Dean Robert C. Post announced it is accepting a $10 million gift to create the Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization at Yale Law School. What these two men did not say speaks volumes.
Saleh Abdallah (aka Saleh Abdullah) Kamel, is the father of Abdallah S. (aka Abdullah S.) Kamel, a known banker and financier of Al-Qaeda. The son Abdallah S. Kamel still works for his father at Dallah Al-Baraka Group, of Saleh’s organizations that were investigated for funding Al-Qaeda. From 2001 to 2008 the FBI were investigating Saleh Abdallah Kamel as both a friend of Osama Bin Laden and as a financier of Al-Qaeda. Below is a list of Saleh Abdalla Kamel’s businesses and transactions that were investigated by the FBI, Homeland Security, etc.:
- Dallah Avco – (New York Times (8/2/2003)
- Dallah al Baraka banking conglomerate for contributing to BMI Inc., a confirmed Al-Qaeda financer. (US Congress 10/22/2003, Wall Street Journal 6/21/2004)
- DMI (Dar al-Maal Al-Islami Trust)– Saleh listed as a major investor amidst a proven string of Bin Laden support by DMI (Chicago Tribune 12/21/2004, New York Times 8/8/2008)
- Saleh was listed as a member of the “Golden Chain,” an Al-Qaeda finance list of 20 wealthy persons. Judge Conway, a far left liberal judge removed Saleh A. Kamel and his bank Al-Shamal Islamic Bank from a civil suit brought by 9/11 families on the grounds he considered the Golden Chain a myth. (Arab News 12/18/2006)
Yale Law School must have an extremely low vetting standard for those who would have their names emblazoned on the college for centuries to come. This research took less than an hour on Google. In addition, Yale President Peter Salovey made misleading statements to the public on September 8 regarding the Sharia school:
Mr. Kamel’s extraordinary generosity will open up exciting new opportunities for Yale Law School and for the entire university. The Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization will enhance research opportunities for our students and other scholars and enable us to disseminate knowledge and insights for the benefit of scholars and leaders all over the world.
How will teaching Sharia law at a law school benefit those in Yale? It benefits Muslims. But is it a benefit to Yale? To America? To the world?
If Sharia stands in direct opposition to the U.S. Constitution on any point, a Sharia law school’s presence at an American law school could be harmful to the law community and to the American public. Why? Because teaching Sharia in an American law school legitimizes their belief that Sharia law is superior to the U.S. Constitution. If you think Muslims–even American Muslims–do not believe this, then please view the video below.
Sharia vs. US Constitution
Sharia literally means “right path” and is the Arabic term for Islamic law. Sharia does not allow nor does it accept our current government, which Abraham Lincoln described in the Gettysburg Address as “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” A Shariah-based government is a non-democratic theocracy. Because Sharia denies the right of manmade law to exist, as everything is to be in submission to Sharia, it can not accept the very Preamble of the Constitution, which states:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Because the U.S. Constitution is law made by man, not God, Islam does not accept the U.S. Constitution. However, until there are enough Muslims to combat and change this they are to engage in “civilization jihad” from within the United States (see below). If Secretary of State John Kerry and President Barack Obama have their way, the number of Muslims in the U.S. will increase exponentially through mass acceptance of “Syrian refugees.” This is not only a national security issue for all the reasons listed by the top U.S. intel chiefs but also simply because they do not accept the U.S. Constitution.
This says nothing about the Freedoms of the People protected by the Bill of Rights. Just look at the First Amendment. Sharia is in direct opposition to these few words!
- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
For this reason I, Paul Sutliff, Author, Writer and Special Education Teacher challenge both President Peter Salovey and Yale Law School Dean Robert C. Post to a debate on the following points:
- Under Sharia law, those who leave Islam are executed. How does teaching this at Yale Law School “benefit the entire university”? How is this scholarly? How does it “benefit the world?”
- Under Sharia law, freedom of speech is denied and those who “defame the prophet are executed.” How does teaching this at Yale Law School “benefit the entire university”? How is this scholarly? How does it “benefit the world?”
- Under Sharia law, pedophilia is a normal activity. How does teaching this at Yale Law School “benefit the entire university”? How is this scholarly? How does it “benefit the world?”
- Under Sharia law, bigamy is a normal activity. How does teaching this at Yale Law School “benefit the entire university”? How is this scholarly? How does it “benefit the world?”
- Under Sharia law, musical instruments are banned. Rock-and-roll and all other forms of music that use instruments are forbidden. How does teaching this at Yale Law School “benefit the entire university”? How is this scholarly? How does it “benefit the world?”
If you can not think of a reason to answer any of these questions in a debate forum, why are you taking $10 million from a person who’s father has been long-believed by the FBI to be an Al-Qaeda financier? Why would you promote any law that stands in direct opposition to the U.S. Constitution, save for the purpose of defeating its proliferation?
These are the questions Americans want answered.
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