US national debt piles up next to the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., where no one has the political courage to rise to the challenge of staving off the coming crisis.
I’ve written about how statist policies help the rich and hurt the poor. And I’ve also pontificated on the destructive and foolish subsidies dispensed by the execrable Department of Agriculture.
Now, let’s mix those two issues, though I hasten to add that this isn’t like math; two negatives don’t make a positive. Here’s an infographic from the American Enterprise Institute showing how farm programs are–yet another–perverse example of poor-to-rich redistribution.
I particularly like the part about 42 cents of administrative cost to give away 90 cents of other people’s money.
Actually, let me rephrase. I’m horrified and upset that we have this horrible system, so I only “like” that part of the infographic in the sense that it’s an effective way of showing the inefficiency, venality, and stupidity of government redistribution programs.
And don’t forget that if it’s bad to redistribute from rich to poor, it’s downright evil and despicable to redistribute from poor to rich.
P.S. On a different topic, I can’t resist sharing a few excerpts from a story out of Missouri.
Lobbyists who have sex with a Missouri lawmaker or a member of a lawmaker’s staff would have to disclose it to the Missouri Ethics Commission under a bill introduced Wednesday in the Missouri House. …sexual relations would have to be included on monthly lobbyist gift disclosure forms.
And you thought this cartoon was merely satirical.
[mybooktable book=”global-tax-revolution-the-rise-of-tax-competition-and-the-battle-to-defend-it” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”true”]
notRandom / January 11, 2016
For those who fear one world goverment .Be aware that by dodging taxes Corporations are forcing the nations to adopt a unified world tax code . The only way to make the wealthy pay is thru an electronic transaction tax .
Tax avoidance was brougt to us by the same people who brought the new world order.
their new slogan is Rule of Law.