2016 Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders, a socialist senator from Vermont, left, and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. (Photos: AP)
The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 hacked emails exposing the corrupt establishment in the Democratic Party. The leaked emails, which come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC, show how the party worked for Hillary Clinton and actively against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democratic nomination contest.
Th communications included Communications Director Luis Miranda (10770 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer and several others. The newly released emails cover the period from January 2015 through May 25, 2016. One exemplifying email written on May 5 to Miranda suggests attacking Sen. Sanders on his faith in states where religiosity is still a pander point for the Democratic Party.
“It might may [sic] no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief,” the email from “[email protected]” says. “Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”
Sen. Sanders, who recently endorsed Mrs. Clinton, is on the record stating he would not have reappointed Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. The current DNC chair was given the position in exchange for Mrs. Clinton actively campaigning to unite the party and elect Barack Obama in 2008, but has since financially run the national committee into the ground. She recently asked the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to score a proposal that would redirect funds for children’s disease research to pay for the Democratic National Convention next week in Philadelphia [correction].
In another widely circulated email including the aforementioned officials, they took note enough to “Flag” the story covering Sen. Sanders’ comments on Schultz.
The DNC circulated yet another email with the subject line “Failure of Burlington College is a big problem for Bernie and Jane Sanders” citing reports showing how the school blamed the land deal made by the senator’s wife for “going belly up.”
They also express concern that Sen. Sanders was “doing damage by hitting her on trust, honesty, authenticity, judgment” and were concerned “HRC will go into gen election has vulnerable candidate [sic].” So, what was the plan?
“Super PAC paying young voters to push back online on Sanders supporters,” an April 24 email from Jeremy Brinster reads. “She’s forced to continue to appeal to young liberals as opposed to pivoting back to center.”
Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said he was reviewing the documents amid calls from supporters expressing anger and calling on him to revoke his endorsement of the presumptive Democratic nominee.
The leaked emails also show numerous “mainstream” media “journalists” essentially colluding with the DNC on propaganda disguised as news. In one email dated May 17, Josh Barro, a Senior Editor at Business Insider and MSNBC contributor, is thanked by the DNC for his hit pieces. Greg Sargent, of the Washington Post, is fed numerous stories that are in some cases already pre-written by the DNC.
“I think the best reporter to give the news to ahead of time is Greg Sargent at the Washington Post,” the National Press Secretary and Deputy Communications Director for the DNC Mark Paustenbach writes in an email dated May 20. “But, the specific reporter is not as important as getting it to an outlet before the news breaks so we can help control the narrative on the front end. Otherwise this may likely get spun in a not-so-helpful way. We should also get Rep. Cummings on the phone with that reporter.”
The email string subject line is “Getting on same page” pertaining to the media narrative. Ken Vogel at Politico used the DNC as a proofreader even before he handed his “journalism” into his editor, according to an April 30 email from Mr. Paustenbach.
“Vogel gave me his story ahead of time/before it goes to his editors as long as I didn’t share it,” Mr. Paustenbach wrote. “Let me know if you see anything that’s missing and I’ll push back.”
Richard D. Baris / July 23, 2016
Ugh. Yuck.
scammedbook / July 24, 2016
You will find even more troubling layers of the deceit at the DNC in this new public service book and film that show Wasserman-Schultz’s dirty strategist “buddy” Hilary Rosen using Senator Warren, Michael Moore, and other political and media figures to run blatant financial fraud scams on the poor and middle class.
The book: http://www.amodernquest.com/sogiftcopy.pdf
The film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZJh25-sO98 (the DNC section starts at 42 minutes in)
Note that after the DNC worked hard to keep Orman from facing proper prosecution for her financial crimes, she scammed them too!