I shared a video last year that pointed out that Americans live in a nation that became prosperous thanks to “creative destruction.”
That’s the term developed by Joseph Schumpeter to describe the economic churning caused by competition, innovation, and markets. International trade is just a minor part of this process, though it’s the part that generates the most controversy.

The bad news is that some people lose their jobs as the economy evolves and changes. And some companies go bankrupt. There are real victims and tragic stories.
But the good news is that other jobs are created. And entrepreneurs start new businesses.
And the better news is that our living standards increase. Especially over time. Even for many of those who lost jobs in the short run.
That’s why we’re much richer, on average, than our parents and grandparents.
Needless to say, a key measure of a healthy and dynamic economy is for the job gains to exceed the job losses.
So, when I spoke to congressional staff earlier this week about trade and protectionism, I figured I should go beyond theory and include some numbers.
I went to the relevant website at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and found that more than 28 million jobs were lost in 2017 (final data for 2018 is still not available).
That sounds terrible. And for many workers, it was horrible news.
But the good news, as you can see in the screenshot below is that the U.S. economy created more than 30 million new jobs that year.

The obvious takeaway from this data is that the crowd in Washington should adopt policies that ensure we have strong growth so that people who lose jobs have lots of good options for new employment.
In other words, don’t impose the kind of policies that have created high unemployment and economic stagnation in many European welfare states.
For what it’s worth, that message seems to be lost on Bernie Sanders, who has a long list of policies that would turn America into a version of Greece, France, and Italy.